December 18, 2022

Explore the Social Impact Scene Through Our Impact Bali Excursions

Bali is undeniably a hotspot for tourism.


Well known for its fascinating culture and breathtaking nature, this paradise of an island attracts up to 6 million international visitors every year (pre-pandemic).

However, behind all of the lush landscapes, captivating traditions, and its colorful islanders, Bali also faces its myriad of challenges. Decreasing groundwater levels, plastic pollution, limited land for agriculture, and wildlife trafficking are just a few of the problems that are so apparent. These issues became the driving force behind the birth of the many innovative, progressive socio-eco entrepreneurs and NGOs we find in Bali today.


More recently, Bali has become increasingly known for something more than just tourism. It has become a hub for social innovation with a continuously growing sense of awareness for the planet and its people. It has become a community of changemakers trying to make this world an equitable place, a more mindful place, and a more regenerative place for all lives.


In light of this awakening, Earth Company started the Impact Bali Excursion. A fun yet informative, a casual yet transformative experience designed to explore how this world-changing shift in awareness is manifesting itself on the ground.

The Impact Bali Excursion aims to deliver a transformative and purposeful experience in Bali for corporates and conference attendants alike. Our commitments are to provide all participants with:

  • Personal connections with social innovators
  • Maximized positive outcome from program activities, and
  • Minimum negative impact on the environment and society


Learning directly from the frontline experts working to tackle some of the world’s pressing issues; our ever-expanding network of changemakers in Bali ensures an enriching and eye-opening experience for those who attend.

Get introduced to world-renowned innovators Green School Bali; groundbreaking grassroot activists of Environmental Bamboo Foundation and SungaiWatch; award-winning social enterprises such as KopernikHandep and Bumi Sehat; as well as learn the model of sustainable tourism with next-gen eco resort Mana Earthly Paradise. These pioneers are questioning the current system and walking the talk in seeking a better, more regenerative future.


Participants will be immersed in these world changing movements to ignite a sense of awareness within. We directly connect them with the inspiring pioneers and changemakers to instill a thirst for change. We explore real-world problems, and engage in thought-provoking discussions to come up with practical and meaningful solutions.

By the end of the excursion, participants will come out informed and inspired, equipped with the knowledge to become champions for the people and the planet in either their line of work and personal lives.


Our commitments to expand participants’ worldview and incite positive change will not be at the expense of society and the environment. In fact, the Impact Bali Excursion follows Earth Company’s values to implement circular and regenerative practices, where we  aim to keep our environmental and social footprint as minimal as possible.

In order to minimize our environmental and social footprint, Impact Bali Excursions includes reusable everyday products that help reduce use of single-use products. Our program is also curated to empower local communities, and places utmost respect for local cultures and customs.




Earth Company ran a one-day corporate Impact Tour for the travel bag company, LOJEL. As part of LOJEL’s gathering of staff and distributors in Bali, Earth Company designed and organized a program to inspire new perspectives on sustainability for the company.  The one-day program started off with a visit to Mana Earthly Paradise to showcase how the hotel was designed to become a regenerative model for businesses in the tourism industry. The tour then continued to the IDEP Foundation, an organization that promotes permaculture. Everyone had the opportunity to learn more about how permaculture gardening is an agricultural practice that is local, efficient, and regenerative; leading to organic and healthy products.

Lastly, the Impact Tour ended with a visit to the world-famous Green School Bali, learning about how a shift in education can nurture a future generation of changemakers. Though just one day in duration, everyone was inspired as light bulbs lit up in the participants’ minds and their eyes opened to new possibilities.


Though just one day in duration, everyone was inspired as light bulbs lit up in the participants’ minds and their eyes opened to new possibilities.


AVPN Summit Participants


In 2020, Bali hosted the first-ever Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) Southeast Asia Summit from the 12th to the 14th of February. The event brought together over 200 participants working in the social impact sector from the region. As part of the summit activities, Earth Company organized a half-day social innovation program for participants from various impact organizations. These included Secondmuse, Moonshot Venture, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, BenihBaik, PLUS and the Asia Philanthropy Circle.

The program started at Bumi Sehat Clinic where the participants met founder (and Impact Hero 2016) Robin Lim. After a wonderful discussion between Robin and the participants about how gentle, loving, natural birth helps achieve world peace, the day continued at Mana Earthly Paradise.  At Mana Earthly Paradise, participants were given a tour of the eco-resort and learned about the eco-technologies and sustainable business practices being used. They were impressed with the low impact design Mana adapted, from earth bad villas, wastewater garden, to solar power lighting, just to name a few.


Diplomat Success Challenge Competition


In November 2021, we hosted one leg of Indonesia’s renowned business challenge for young entrepreneurs, Diplomat Success Challenge (DSC). Joining our program were 12 finalists, of which were selected from what started off at 18,000 applicants. The study tour started with a meditation walk to the nearby rice field in order to reconnect with themselves and nature. After the meditation walk, the finalists had the opportunity to listen to the life stories of Tomo and Aska, the history behind Earth Company and Mana Earthly Paradise, as well as the sustainability principles and practices at the property.

All 12 finalists then joined Mana’s sustainability tour that explored the different eco-technologies implemented that ensure a sustainable and regenerative business model at the entire establishment. They also gained insight on the different products found at Mana Market and Mana Kitchen that promote social, cultural, and environmental sustainability; as well as personal health and well-being.


The finalists expressed interest in all the sustainable practices and asked lots of questions about how to commit to walking the talk, and growing to become social innovators as well.



Get in touch with us, and create your customized impact excursion for your team and colleagues!

Contact us: [email protected]