Full Name: Mona Lisa Karene
Country: Samoa
Age: 56
Field of work: Agriculture, lack of access to market
Organization/Position: Co-founder/ Executive Director of Marketing and Production Development of Nora’s Plantation Foods Limited
Mission: To operate a sustainable income-generating export business to benefit the economy and people of rural Samoa.
Lisa’s Story:
Lisa left Samoa at the age of 12 to study overseas. Recognizing that many Samoans do not have the same opportunity she was presented as a kid, she wanted to help the underprivileged in her community. Remote Samoan villages rely mainly on farming but can’t reach markets to sell what they grow, leading them to a vicious cycle of poverty, hopelessness, and despair. To help these villages, Lisa brought the market to the farmers, driven to give locals their self-worth back. “Inner confidence builds better, sustainable futures.” Lisa’s organization’s impact model gives farmers access to the market by buying their crops and offering employment through its value-add manufacturing process for export products.